Hello You!
Feeling like a failure is a suffocating sensation. It’s the heavy weight that sits on your chest and the constant nagging voice in your head telling you that you’re not good enough. It’s the frustration of seeing others succeed while you feel stuck in the same place. It’s the disappointment in yourself for not meeting your own expectations. It’s the fear of being judged by others and the shame of not living up to their standards.
But most of all, it’s the sense of hopelessness that comes with the belief you’ll never be able to turn things around. It’s a tough battle, but remember, failure is not the end. It’s an opportunity to learn, grow, and come back stronger.
Maybe you believe achievement is the key to happiness. But achievement is never ending, because once you reach one goal, there is another one ahead.
Some people actually become “addicted” to the cycle of achievement. But instead of recognizing this as a flawed system, you may become frozen, passive, and feel like life is passing you by. Perhaps others’ opinions contribute to your negative feelings about yourself.
You may feel like a failure because you:
• have mistaken a flawed goal-obsessed system for a flaw in yourself.
• you are not meeting the expectations you set for yourself.
• do not believe you can create a good life.
• believe more in what others think than what you believe.
• constantly compare yourself to others.
• believe you are less competent than others in your field.
• think you are unintelligent.
• spend a lot of time scrolling through social media.
• were rejected by someone.
• tried something new and it did not work out. •
How can you stop feeling like a failure?
1. Change your perspective. You may be trapped in others’ perspectives and miss the fact that their points of view are unrealistic.
2. See life as a process, not a result. Focusing on results may not lead to satisfaction, so one way to shift your perspective is to enjoy the process. If you do not enjoy the process, you may want to revisit your goals! Be honest about what you enjoy and form your life choices around that. Explore activities that make you feel alive, clear-headed, and connected.
3. Minimize comparisons and “compare down.” Social media can make it hard to feel good about yourself when all you see is everyone else’s accomplishments. You will rarely see others’ struggles or setbacks. When you notice yourself making comparisons, bring your awareness back to your wins, big or small. If you do compare, look at your past self to see how far you have come. Avoid judging others while you check in with how far you have come. This can boost your mood and confidence.
4.Engage in self-compassion. Resist shutting down your feelings or shaming yourself. Holding a negative perception of yourself can lead to feeling defeated. Self-compassion is essential to turning the story around. Recite a script in your head when you feel like a failure. You might say, “I’m struggling with feeling like I’m a failure, but I am more than my feelings. I’m allowed to be unhappy sometimes. I’m working on it.”
5. Reframe your understanding of failure. Accept that everyone experiences failure or not getting what they want. What matters is how you learn from your experiences, how you bounce back, and if you choose to try again. Failure is something that happens, not a reflection of who you are as a person.
6. Risk failure. Failure is not the opposite of success – it is part of success. Gradually expose yourself to situations where you can succeed.
Imagine what you would do if you knew you could not fail.
See ya soon,
That Clay Couple